Hello all

Thank you all for your feedback, both on and off list and in the ZF Wiki.

As far as I can see, I have implemented all requested changes and
updated the Proposal page:


A surprising number of people have asked whether it is possible to
convert word processing documents between formats. For example,
whether they can convert a DOC to a PDF or an RTF to DOC.

Although originally this was not the intention of LiveDocx, I have
spoken with the guys who implemented the backend and they are willing
to add such a service.

Indeed, they find it an exceptional idea!

The moment this service becomes available, it will be added to the
Zend_Service_LiveDocx_* family.

I have started writing unit tests (some of which are available in the
downloadable version):


Full coverage should be available by the end of the week.

Again, I would like to actively solicit feedback on the proposal and
in general on the idea of using a web service to perform mail-merge
and conversion processes in PHP.

Thank you :-)

Jonathan Maron

On Thu, Jan 29, 2009 at 10:02 AM, Jonathan Maron
<jonathan.a.ma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all
> Zend_Pdf is a great component to generate PDF files with ZF. If you
> want to populate PDF templates with text, however, it can be very time
> consuming to get the positioning of the text fields just right. I
> wrote about this issue here:
> http://tinyurl.com/bym43f
> After having developed several ZF applications in which text had to be
> inserted into PDF templates, I knew there must be a better way and
> went about developing one.
> The result is a project called phpLiveDocx, which is an unofficial
> component for ZF. (If it were to become official component some day, I
> would be thrilled.)
> The idea is really simple:
> 1. You design a template in a word processing package (such as Open
> Office or Word). In the template, you define any number of text
> fields, into which data will be later inserted (same idea as
> mail-merge).
> 2. Using phpLiveDocx, you assign data to the template.
> 3. You generate and save the populated document as a PDF, DOCX, DOC or RTF 
> file.
> The great advantage of this approach is that you uncouple the
> formatting of the template and the position of the text fields. In
> other words, should a designer change the layout of a template, there
> is no need for a developer to update the positioning of the text
> fields.
> Of course, the other great advantage is that you can save the
> resulting document as DOCX, DOC or RTF, in addition to PDF.
> Here is a really basic example, which illustrates how phpLiveDocx works:
> http://tinyurl.com/ao9c2v
> (The template and resulting document can be download from the bottom
> of the post.)
> Here is a very short getting started guide and download links:
> http://tinyurl.com/db23fc
> If you need any help or want to talk about phpLiveDocx, just follow up
> here or post me a message:
> http://tinyurl.com/culdpj
> Thank you
> Jonathan Maron
> http://www.phpLiveDocx.org

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