On 23/04/2009, Vadim Gabriel <vadim...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. Should the gateways use the zend http component and it's adapters such
> as the Curl to process the payments or use the PHP Curl extension as is?

Definitely use Zend_Http. If an application has already setup an instance of
Zend_Http_Client (e.g. with settings for a HTTP proxy, or a custom
useragent), it would be annoying to have to set those options up again to
use the Payment component.

2. I have worked out one small gatewat already and i am adding/editing as i
> go when i see fit. I would appreciate any feedback regarding the updates i
> he made already (updated today) and throwing anything you might find
> required or helpful.

What's there looks good. It'd be nice to have a few more use cases showing,
for example, handling a payment that was declined, or showing validation
errors to the user.

I would also strongly recommend that you look into 3-D Secure authorisation
and work out how you would build support for this into the component. It
would be very difficult to add this in at a later date without breaking
backward compatibility (which is a problem ActiveMerchant, the Ruby
equivalent of this, is currently having).

Tim Fountain

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