I see. Well for the tranzila code snippet you could take a look at

I wrote a class that processes payments through tranzila. and i didn't ask
for anything like that there.

I will get into that in much detail once i do every gateway that requires


On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 9:13 PM, Tim Fountain <t...@tfountain.co.uk> wrote:

> On 23/04/2009, Vadim Gabriel <vadim...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 6:03 PM, Tim Fountain <t...@tfountain.co.uk>wrote:
>> I would also strongly recommend that you look into 3-D Secure
>>> authorisation and work out how you would build support for this into the
>>> component. It would be very difficult to add this in at a later date without
>>> breaking backward compatibility (which is a problem ActiveMerchant, the Ruby
>>> equivalent of this, is currently having).
>> Never heard of it, Could you elaborate?
> It's an extra security check that happens after the customer submits credit
> card details. You might know it as "Verified by Visa". Generally what
> happens is that after submitting credit card details the customer sees a
> little box in an iframe into which they have to enter a password. If the
> password is entered correctly the transaction is approved. There's a general
> intro on Wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/3-D_Secure
> I'm not familiar with Tranzila but I just had a look on their website and
> it seems they support it (but they call it 3DTrust). Unfortunately I can't
> find any API/developer documentation so I don't know exactly what the
> process is with them.
> --
> Tim Fountain
> http://tfountain.co.uk/

Vincent Gabriel.
Lead Developer, Senior Support.
Zend Certified Engineer.
Zend Framework Certified Engineer.
-- http://www.vadimg.co.il/

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