On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 7:04 PM,
lightflowmark<1...@lightflowinterrupted.com> wrote:
> You haven't understood the ZF naming conventions correctly.

Sorry my bad. It was an copy paste error. I was trying to study how
Zend has implemented the filter and trying to copy the similar
structure. It is corrected now

> prefixed My_Filter.  (You would typically want to set this for the whole
> form - $this->addPrefixPath() in your example - so you don't have to set it
> for each element).

Now I have moved my addPrefixPath() from element to form itself.
I am now getting the "Invalid type "FILTER" provided to
getPluginLoader()" exception.

Stack trace starts from here: Zend_Form->addPrefixPath('My_Filter',
'My/Filter/', 'filter')

What is the meaning and what needs to be fixed.

Thanks for pointing me to right direction

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