On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 10:18 PM,
lightflowmark<1...@lightflowinterrupted.com> wrote:
> Probably that's the problem.
> If you are creating an element with a custom filter, but not telling it
> where the custom filter lives first, then it's not going to work.

Its all OK now except my custom filter itself, which brings me back to basic.

what's wrong with my filter?

    public function filter($value)
                return str_replace("/", ",", (string) $value);

So how do you replace slash? IFAIK this my code should work but it is
not working. I am still getting the same string I entered in my form
instead of its being replaced with comma.

> for extra bonus points, you can define your elements using shorthand code
> similar to:

Thanks for the info. I personally choose to do this way because I am
less confused with this approach. :-)

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