We can create new thread and share zend oriented api. All of us have sth
implemented, I have started tr.im API class, extended twitter API
class...someone probably have pay-pal e.t.c why not zip and share it right
there on mail list? They might not be perfect, but can be used to see way
sth is implemented, and why not making it better. Simply attach what works
for you.
What do you think?

Saša Stamenković

On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 8:18 AM, Vince42 <z...@vineal.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> Matthew Weier O'Phinney schrieb:
> > So, hint, hint -- if somebody or a group of you would like to work on
> > such an application, we may be able to host it on the ZF site, and give
> > credit to the authors. We would, of course, like to provide some input
> > as to the specifications, but otherwise... :)
> I guess as long as we still suffer from the absence of standards
> regarding self-contained modules, this would rather lead to confusion
> than to a big success.
> I think most developers would expect to have the option to download and
> to easily integrate some typical modules like Auth, ACL etc - and they
> would be quickly frustrated if the modules - due to the lack of
> standardization - would not work the way like Firefox plug-ins do.
> Don't get me wrong: I don't expect the ambitious developer not to see
> that it is always difficult to incorporate other people's work, but I
> really think that for a newcomer such a site at the current stage would
> be rather counter-productive as it induces some wrong expectations.
> First we need to have some best practices like we discussed them before
> - then it would be a joy to code such modules and certainly a big leap
> forward for ZF to a wider user base.
> Just my two cents. :)
> --
> Cheers,                        \\|//
> Vince                          (o o)
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