Don't underestimate yourself :-) We are always happy for any help
and ralph would probably mentor you through the process if you would
dedicate yourself to implementing this (and he hasn't started yet).

If you seperate the Provider and the actual deletion, you can probably get
this working by writing some tests for all the possible cases you can up
with without too many problems.

You should check out the Trunk documentation on Writing Providers it got
several updates that should help you with some of the details on how
to write a provider. I am thinking about updating it further to include
details on the Project specific provider options.

Anyhow, if you ask on IRC you probably get all the details
you need much faster on how you can help.


On Wed, 9 Sep 2009 09:30:24 -0400, David Mintz <>
> On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 11:55 PM, Ralph Schindler
> <>wrote:
>> Hey David,
>> [delete] functionality is slated for 1.10.  It was left out of the 1.8
>> and
>> 1.9 release for a couple of good reasons.  Since deleting is a pretty
>> irreversible action, and sometimes is also a recursive action- we wanted
>> to
>> ensure that the console/cli interface at least had the capability to ask
>> the
>> user if deleting is OK, in other words confirming the decision to delete
>> something.  This way, people will not accidentally delete things they
>> will
>> not be able to recover.
> I wonder -- how hard is it to implement? I ask because I might like to
> contribute, but if you guys are black belts, I am like, a yellow belt --
> maybe green on a good day -- so don't know if I am equal to the task.

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