On Wednesday 09 September 2009 06:47:49 pm David Mintz wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 10:13 AM, Benjamin Eberlei 
> > Don't underestimate yourself :-) We are always happy for any help
> > and ralph would probably mentor you through the process if you would
> > dedicate yourself to implementing this (and he hasn't started yet).
> >
> > If you seperate the Provider and the actual deletion, you can probably
> > get this working by writing some tests for all the possible cases you can
> > up with without too many problems.
> >
> > You should check out the Trunk documentation on Writing Providers it got
> > several updates that should help you with some of the details on how
> > to write a provider. I am thinking about updating it further to include
> > details on the Project specific provider options.
> First noob question:  when you say check out the trunk documentation, you
> mean svn checkout http://framework.zend.com/svn/framework/standard/trunk,
> cd into documentation/manual/<your_language>  and build as per the README.
> Right?

yes, but its only in EN right now, so <your_language>=en.

Benjamin Eberlei

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