Sorry, I just have to. Someone can delete stuff sent in a mailing list?
That's hilarious!
Better ask the Zend people to delete this thread too. This is just
embarassing. At least you weren't using your name though, good call on that

   -- Mon

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:00 PM, Matthew Ratzloff <
> wrote:

> Guys, please let this subject die by not replying to the thread.
> -Matt
> On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 1:59 AM, aoohralex <> wrote:
>> My critical subject about Zend Framework was deleted. Somebody from Zend
>> deleted my post. My criticism PHP authors and Zend Framework in compare to
>> other frameworks wasn't comfortable for Zend company. You can don't agree
>> with me but delete my subject ? So again:
>> I have started learn ZF because I wanted to learn something new.
>> If we have range 0 – 10. My knowledge ZF is 1 – I can make basic things in
>> ZF – connect to database, queries insert/update/delete, basic zend forms,
>> authorization, use jquery and layout in zend, controllers, views.
>> My knowledge Symfony Framework is 5. My knowledge ASP.NET MVC (not
>> is 4.
>> Now I can say that ZF is very bad framework or maybe rather it isn't a
>> framework. Everybody knows that authors of PHP are always late and behind
>> –
>> for example PHP is really OO from version v5 (eariel it was only some OO
>> elements in PHP). The same is in Zend Framework – this framework is behind
>> others frameworks.
>> First - Zend_Db is nothing compared to Doctrine ORM. Using Zend_Db I have
>> to
>> create myself models:
>> !!!!! In Symfony Framework with Doctrine ORM and in ASP.NET MVC with Linq
>> to
>> SQL I don't need because it is wasting of time – there it is automatic –
>> in
>> Symfony using console and in ASP.NET MVC using Visual Studio. Of course
>> Doctrine and Linq to SQL have got more better things.
>> In Zend Framework almost nothing you can do using console (of course
>> almost
>> nothing compared to Symfony) – in Symfony using console you can generate
>> much more (I don't use in Symfony console to generate modules, controllers
>> or forms but for begginners it is very comfortable). In ASP.NET MVC I
>> don't
>> need use console but Visual Studio but ASP.NET MVC is very young so
>> generated controllers/views etc. don't have so good code as in Symfony. In
>> ASP>NET MVC and Symfony Framework I don't need to enable layout like in
>> Zend
>> Framework. The most horrible thing in Zend it was for me Zend_Acl – using
>> that I can't still make that only logged users can have access to action
>> 'add' controller 'books' – in Symfony I can make that using 2 lines of
>> code
>> in module 'books':
>> add:
>>  is_secure: on
>> and in ASP.NET one line of code in controller:
>> [Authorize]
>> What is more in Symfony and ASP.NET MVC we have tables in database and
>> everything else related with users, authorization etc. created in these
>> frameworks – in Zend I must myself do that.
>> There is of course more good things in these frameworks – better than in
>> Zend.
>> Documentation – hahah – in Zend documentation is chaotic, is HORRIBLE !!
>> Have you ever seen documentation of Symfony or ASP.NET MVC ? I have never
>> seen worse documentation than in Zend.
>> For me Zend isn't a framework but rather components that we can use in
>> other
>> frameworks – for example Zend Lucene in Symfony:
>> As I thought – authors of PHP are always late and they are always behind
>> so
>> Zend is always late and behind. For now Symfony and ASP.NET MVC are from
>> XXI
>> aga, Zend is from XX age.
>> This was my compare these frameworks. Sry for my English – it isn't my
>> national language.
>> PS. bold text = I am angry because of delete my subject by Zend company.
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

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