Hi Guys,

I'm trying to supress errors with the Zend Autoloader, but it's still
throwing them.  In this specific case, I'm dynamically ceating a class
if it doesn't already exist.  I'm calling suppressNotFoundWarnings(
true ).

Here's my code:


On line 13, I'm getting a Zend_Exception saying that CP/Form/Login.php
not found and CP_Form_Login does not exist.  Here's that line:

if( @$autoloader->autoload( $class ) ) {

even wrapping it in a Try/Catch doesn't catch the exception.  The best
part is that further down in the code, the class is still declared,
and the code continues to run.

the CP_ namespace is registered to the autoloader at bootstrap.  (I
confirmed this through debugging).

Any Ideas?

Here's my code:

A.J. Brown
web | http://ajbrown.org
phone | (937) 660-3969

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