Anyone have any ideas?  I've been playing around with this all day and
can't seem to nudge into working.  If I can't figure it out, I'll just
skip using the autoloader here and write my own method,  but I don't
want to duplicate code.

FYI, we used this method in another project, and it worked fine.

On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 8:38 PM, A.J. Brown <> wrote:
> FYI, I just upgraded to 1.9.5 and the problem continues. Keep in mind,
> despite the exception/error, the form still constructs and renders as
> CP_Form_Login just fine.
>  Zend_Exception: File "CP/Form/Login.php" does not exist or class
> "CP_Form_Login" was not found in the file in
> /home/ajbrown/Projects/CitationPoint2/library/Zend/Loader.php on line
> 88
> #       Time    Memory  Function        Location
> 1       0.0003  112872  {main}( )       ../index.php:0
> 2       0.0472  4886480 Zend_Application->run( )        ../index.php:34
> 3       0.0472  4886480 Zend_Application_Bootstrap_Bootstrap->run(
> )       ../Application.php:358
> 4       0.0473  4886480 Zend_Controller_Front->dispatch( ???, ??? )     
> ../Bootstrap.php:77
> 5       0.0643  6773728 Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Standard->dispatch(
> object(Zend_Controller_Request_Http)[19],
> object(Zend_Controller_Response_Http)[20] )     ../Front.php:946
> 6       0.0777  7803104 Zend_Controller_Action->dispatch( string(11)
> )       ../Standard.php:289
> 7       0.0778  7810384 AccountController->loginAction( )       
> ../Action.php:513
> 8       0.0870  8940840 CP_Form::factory( string(5) )   
> ../AccountController.php:22
> 9       0.0870  8940968 CP_Form::_declareFormClass( string(5) ) ../Form.php:44
> 10      0.0871  8942096 Zend_Loader_Autoloader::autoload( string(13) )  
> ../Form.php:74
> 11      0.0872  8944096 call_user_func ( array(2), string(13) ) 
> ../Autoloader.php:130
> 12      0.0872  8944336 Zend_Loader_Autoloader->_autoload( string(13)
> )       ../Autoloader.php:0
> 13      0.0872  8944920 call_user_func ( array(2), string(13) ) 
> ../Autoloader.php:472
> 14      0.0873  8945288 Zend_Loader::loadClass( string(13), ??? )       
> ../Autoloader.php:0
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 11:31 AM, A.J. Brown <> wrote:
>> Just incase it's useful somehow, here's the full config:
>> By the way, I'm aware that I shouldn't be registering Doctrine's
>> namespace and instead should push the Doctrine autoloader.  I'm just
>> doing this temporarily until we begin actually leveraging doctrine.
>> Here is the complete code of the class that's giving me trouble:
>> And here's the complete source of the controller where that code is being 
>> run:
>> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 11:22 AM, A.J. Brown <> wrote:
>>> Hey Matthew,
>>> Thanks for the explanation.  I assumed since the error had
>>> "Zend_Exception" in it, that it was actually an exception being
>>> thrown.
>>> Zend_Version::VERSION == '1.9.3'
>>> The code in the pastie is literally the only code that ever does
>>> anything with the autoloader.  This is a new project, and other than
>>> some boilerplate controller code, this is the first few lines of code
>>> that have been typed.  The only other modifications are adding the
>>> namespaces to the autoloader, using the built-in method through the
>>> application configuration:
>>> autoloaderNamespaces.cp            = "CP_"
>>> autoloaderNamespaces.doctrine = "Doctrine_"
>>> It's also strange that the error is not being suppressed by the @ symbol.
>>> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 8:57 AM, Matthew Weier O'Phinney
>>> <> wrote:
>>>> -- A.J. Brown <> wrote
>>>> (on Tuesday, 03 November 2009, 07:59 PM -0500):
>>>>> I'm trying to supress errors with the Zend Autoloader, but it's still
>>>>> throwing them.  In this specific case, I'm dynamically ceating a class
>>>>> if it doesn't already exist.  I'm calling suppressNotFoundWarnings(
>>>>> true ).
>>>>> Here's my code:
>>>>> On line 13, I'm getting a Zend_Exception saying that CP/Form/Login.php
>>>>> not found and CP_Form_Login does not exist.  Here's that line:
>>>>> if( @$autoloader->autoload( $class ) ) {
>>>>> even wrapping it in a Try/Catch doesn't catch the exception.  The best
>>>>> part is that further down in the code, the class is still declared,
>>>>> and the code continues to run.
>>>>> the CP_ namespace is registered to the autoloader at bootstrap.  (I
>>>>> confirmed this through debugging).
>>>> You're confusing exceptions with errors. Zend_Loader_Autoloader does not
>>>> throw exceptions within its autoload() method (it's considered a bad
>>>> practice, and PHP itself behaves badly when it happens); this is why the
>>>> try/catch does not work. What's actually happening is that PHP's
>>>> include() function is raising a PHP warning when it can't find the
>>>> related file in question.
>>>> What *is* odd to me is that the autoloader is not suppressing the errors
>>>> when you've specifically requested it do so. I've just tried this
>>>> locally with the following:
>>>>    $autoloader->suppressNotFoundWarnings(true);
>>>>    if (!$autoloader->autoload('Zend_Foo_Bar')) {
>>>>        echo 'Not found';
>>>>        exit;
>>>>    }
>>>>    echo 'Found';
>>>> With the warnings suppressed, it works as expected; without, I get
>>>> the PHP warning, again, as expected.
>>>> So, a few questions:
>>>>  * What version of ZF are you using?
>>>>  * Can you provide *all* code indicating how you've configured the
>>>>   autoloader?
>>>>  * Is the "CP_" namespace registered with the autoloader? If not, do you
>>>>   have another autoloader registered that would be handling it?
>>>> Based on what you've presented, I have to assume that there's some other
>>>> configuration issue that's leading to the error.
>>>> --
>>>> Matthew Weier O'Phinney
>>>> Project Lead            |
>>>> Zend Framework          |
>>> --
>>> A.J. Brown
>>> web |
>>> phone | (937) 660-3969
>> --
>> A.J. Brown
>> web |
>> phone | (937) 660-3969
> --
> A.J. Brown
> web |
> phone | (937) 660-3969

A.J. Brown
web |
phone | (937) 660-3969

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