You're misunderstanding...  You have development boxes for those services.
 If you have a web service and you're not doing work on it, there's no need
to have a local instance of it.

Obviously production data that is mirrored on development machines should be


On Sat, Aug 7, 2010 at 5:21 PM, Thomas D. <> wrote:

> Hi,
> interesting topic.
> Hector Virgen wrote:
> > We have each developer set up their own dev environment
> > on their local machine.
> Well, I guess this is a common solution for small projects. But when you
> have to deal with real/big applications, that won't work anymore:
> - Maybe you are using other services like "Sphinx" for search. Should every
> developer run and maintain a copy of Sphinx?
> - Maybe you are working on an intranet application, which requires
> authorization. You will authorize against a LDAP system. Should every
> developer run and maintain a local LDAP service?
> - In real applications, you will have multiple entry points (website, API
> access...). Do you think every developer can run and maintain these things
> locally?
> - What's about your data? We all know that dummy data are not the same like
> live data from REAL users. Your dummy data may also run out of date (do you
> update your dummy data regular, so that a query which will fetch the latest
> X orders from the last Y days always returns data?), which will cause other
> trouble.
> So you might end with providing a dump of you live data on every Monday.
> But
> do you really want that? Maybe your application is a shop system, your data
> contains credit card numbers and other sensible information. Do you want
> that every developer has access to these data? ;)
> - Logging. Your application will generate many log files. You might end up
> using something where you store and manage your log files. Are your
> developers able to run and maintain a copy of that solution locally?
> - What's about mailing? Every application nowadays sends mails. So your
> developers need to test these functionality. But you won't want that your
> developers sends out test mails to real users. Should every developer run
> and maintain a local mail server?
> It would be nice to hear from others, who are dealing with real
> applications, how they manage these problems.
> --
> Regards,
> Thomas

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