On 23/09/2010 12:49, Ralf Eggert wrote:

The only problem is that there are still dozens and dozens of
synchronous XHR for lots of dojo js files. Something must still be wrong
with my settings. Any idea?

Thanks and best regards,

I must admit that learning the combined Zend and Dojo frameworks has been something of a pain, with lots of time-wasting circles.

Where are you enabling Dojo - in a bootstrap? I've found that doing this either in the primary bootstrap file (not a module bootstrap when employing modules) or in layout causes issues if using ->setDjConfigOption('parseOnLoad', true) there. Given that you are seeing XHR returns, presumably in Firebug, do you have something like:

            // add Json support
            ->setDjConfigOption('usePlainJson', true)
            ->setDjConfigOption('parseOnLoad', true)
            ->setDjConfigOption('isDebug', true)
            ->setDjConfigOption('debugAtAllCosts', true)

If so, comment out those last three settings, especially parseOnLoad, and see what happens. To me, parseOnload belongs in the View not a bootstrap or layout, at the point of displaying dijits, but I've seen it in various documentation (like http://www.zendframework.com/manual/1.10/en/zend.application.examples.html).

Bear in mind I am not a black belt in this subject, although I'm fighting my way up the belt hierarchy (and getting bruised a lot).

Mike A.

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