Hmm, or rather the Nouns that precede the suffixes :P. Sorry, brain is
still asleep today.

On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 5:49 PM, Pádraic Brady <> wrote:
> I really don't follow the grouping argument - not all Abstracts,
> Interfaces and Traits would share the same Noun. I could have an
> AbstractHtmlSanitiser implementing a FilterInterface making use of
> several HtmlMarkupTraits. Actually that whole last sentence just shows
> why English ordered terminology works. If you want to enforce
> grouping, you'll also need to enforce the Nouns that follow the
> suffixes to be suitably similar and alphabetical.
> Paddy
> On Thu, Feb 2, 2012 at 3:28 PM, Andreas Möller <> wrote:
>>>> Using suffixes also takes into account the naming style in ZF1 with PHP < 
>>>> 5.3:
>>>> Foo_Bar_Baz_Abstract
>>>> Foo_Bar_Baz_Interface
>>> I think this is a red herring. The above doesn't map the same at all, as
>>> in ZF1 we were able to group them in a directory together:
>>>    Foo/
>>>        Bar/
>>>            Baz/
>>>                Abstract.php
>>>                Interface.php
>>> We can't do likewise in ZF2 as we can't have classes/interfaces named
>>> "Abstract" or "Interface" -- and hence the need for new naming
>>> conventions.
>> Indeed, but why should we do it totally different?
>> The argument with the grouping holds, as suffixing class names would
>> allow for grouping, too.
>> This argument weighs in a lot more than the grammatical argument.
>> And again, it's consistent. You commented on the RFC likewise.
>> Andreas
> --
> Pádraic Brady
> Zend Framework Community Review Team

Pádraic Brady
Zend Framework Community Review Team


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