Hello guys,

I will appreciate if somebody can point me to websites, books, articles,
webinars, authors etc. used as source of ideas and inspiration for ZF2?
Who made  the decisions for the used Design Patterns and Software Architecture?
Are there documents (in the Wiki maybe) describing the process.

I already know some ideas are coming from Java and .NET worlds. Another source
is Martin Fowler http://martinfowler.com/. I know about IoC, DI from Martin
Another very nice PHP framework Symphony also is a source of ideas. Aspect
Oriented Programming, "Gang of four" ...
But there are many more, I guess.
I want to know the motivation and reason of using this particular Software
Architecture, but not another one.
Do we try to follow some Java framework like "Spring" for example?
What is the closest framework on Java, C#, Java Script etc. to ZF2?
Why "Transaction Script" design pattern was used, but not "Domain Model" or
"Table Module" for ZF?
Why are we using Service Manager (DI, IoC) and Event Manager instead of
Singleton and Registry? How they are better?
I am looking for the answers of much more  fundamental questions.
I respect the decisions made by Matthew, Ralph, Enrico and whoever else, but I
want to know why this path was taken instead of another one and what are the
other options?
For example why the Module Manger was build this way? What are the other
options? Where the design comes from? Is there similar designs on other
languages Java, C#, C++, etc.?
I strongly believe the answers of these questions are the keys for better
understanding, learning and contributing.
These are language agnostic questions. I am convinced the language doesn't
really matter if you have the right Software Architecture, Design Patterns, Best
Practices, Naming and Coding standards.
If for example I know another framework on Java or C# similar to ZF2 (uses the
same Software Architecture) would be  very easy to learn, understand and work
with ZF2.

Best Regards
Stoyan Cheresharov

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