Hello Marco,

Thank you very much for your answer! :)
 It is very valuable for me! It reveals the decision making process for ZF.
Another words, there is no central point where a person can go read and follow
the evolution of the process.
(Would be nice to have such place, something like a project log, but maybe will
be too much work and time.)

So if I want to know who has given an idea and its evolution, I have to read the
mailing list, hang on the IRC channel, know and listen the community members.
It boils down to being an active community member, dedication and time. :)

Thank you again Marco!  :)


Marco Pivetta <ocram...@gmail.com> hat am 11. November 2012 um 21:04

> Hey Stoyan,
>  I hopped in about one and a half years ago and tried to help with the stable
> release
>  at that time (then I kind of disappeared, sorry :( ).
>  I can tell you that most of the decisions are made by discussing ideas that
> people
>  bring up on the mailing list or on IRC ( irc:// irc.freenode.net/#zftalk.dev
> <http://irc.freenode.net/#zftalk.dev> ).
>  Other great ideas come from people doing pull requests, which are then
> reviewed
>  buy guy X (where guy X is anyone, not just matt, enrico or ralph) and
> digested into
>  new ideas.
>  I can tell you that outside of books, it's almost always been about a person
> shouting
>  out an idea, like "hey, why don't we do this?", and then somebody picking
> that and
>  writing it as code. So far, I think it's been a great way of doing things :)
>  Marco Pivetta
>  http://twitter.com/Ocramius <http://twitter.com/Ocramius>
>  http://ocramius.github.com/ <http://ocramius.github.com/>
>  On 11 November 2012 16:47, cheresha...@ihahockey.com
> <mailto:cheresha...@ihahockey.com> <cheresha...@ihahockey.com
> <mailto:cheresha...@ihahockey.com> > wrote:
>    > > Hello guys,
> > 
> >    I will appreciate if somebody can point me to websites, books, articles,
> >    webinars, authors etc. used as source of ideas and inspiration for ZF2?
> >    Who made  the decisions for the used Design Patterns and Software
> > Architecture?
> >    Are there documents (in the Wiki maybe) describing the process.
> > 
> >    I already know some ideas are coming from Java and .NET worlds. Another
> > source
> >    is Martin Fowler http://martinfowler.com/ <http://martinfowler.com/> . I
> > know about IoC, DI from Martin
> >    Fowler.
> >    Another very nice PHP framework Symphony also is a source of ideas.
> > Aspect
> >    Oriented Programming, "Gang of four" ...
> >    But there are many more, I guess.
> >    I want to know the motivation and reason of using this particular
> > Software
> >    Architecture, but not another one.
> >    Do we try to follow some Java framework like "Spring" for example?
> >    What is the closest framework on Java, C#, Java Script etc. to ZF2?
> >    Why "Transaction Script" design pattern was used, but not "Domain Model"
> > or
> >    "Table Module" for ZF?
> >    Why are we using Service Manager (DI, IoC) and Event Manager instead of
> >    Singleton and Registry? How they are better?
> >    I am looking for the answers of much more  fundamental questions.
> >    I respect the decisions made by Matthew, Ralph, Enrico and whoever else,
> > but I
> >    want to know why this path was taken instead of another one and what are
> > the
> >    other options?
> >    For example why the Module Manger was build this way? What are the other
> >    options? Where the design comes from? Is there similar designs on other
> >    languages Java, C#, C++, etc.?
> >    I strongly believe the answers of these questions are the keys for better
> >    understanding, learning and contributing.
> >    These are language agnostic questions. I am convinced the language
> > doesn't
> >    really matter if you have the right Software Architecture, Design
> > Patterns, Best
> >    Practices, Naming and Coding standards.
> >    If for example I know another framework on Java or C# similar to ZF2
> > (uses the
> >    same Software Architecture) would be  very easy to learn, understand and
> > work
> >    with ZF2.
> > 
> >    Best Regards
> >    Stoyan Cheresharov
> >  > 

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