Hello Ralf,

thanks for your feedback!

> I personally have now problems with that full stop. But there is another
> issue which makes the messages translations useless currently.
> https://github.com/zendframework/zf2/issues/2536
> For example look at this file at the text for Alpha::NOT_ALPHA:
> https://github.com/localheinz/zf2/blob/54fdd82023366f5d02600a38da4b8ec1f02e2939/library/Zend/I18n/Validator/Alpha.php#L38
>> The input contains non alphabetic characters.
> And then look at the translation for the same text:
> https://github.com/localheinz/zf2/blob/54fdd82023366f5d02600a38da4b8ec1f02e2939/resources/languages/de/Zend_Validate.php#L31
>> '%value%' contains non alphabetic characters.
> There are a lot of these messages in the translation files which are out
> of date and which are still using a phrase like '%value%' while the
> message uses 'The input' already.
> So your full stops does not brake anything that is not already broken.

Seems that the translation files need a big update, then, in the first place. 
I'll have a look into this later.

> By the way, the englisch translation file is up to date:
> https://github.com/localheinz/zf2/blob/54fdd82023366f5d02600a38da4b8ec1f02e2939/resources/languages/en/Zend_Validate.php#L31

Best regards,

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