Matus --

Please start a new thread for this so that the folks who filter on
"form" in the subject will actually see this.

On Mon, May 20, 2013 at 7:18 AM, Matus Zeman <> wrote:
> Hi there,
> not related to View component but it looks like that forms stopped working
> as they used to in previous versions.
> It's related to this commit:
> To explain:
> Pre version 2.2:
> When you added "child" Form into a Form all element names (of child form)
> were prefixed by parent form name automatically and parent form elements
> were not prefixed at all - I considered this as logical and correct
> behaviour (maybe not?).
> In version 2.2:
> Either child form element names are not prefixed
> OR
> When I set setWrapElements(true) on the parent form all elements are
> prefixed including child ones so I would have e.g. registration[id],
> registration[auth_credential][identity],
> registration[auth_credential][password]...
> Is this intended behaviour? It hasn't been like in any of earlier versions
> of ZF2.
> If it is, what's the best way how to achieve pre 2.2 behaviour?
> Matus
> On 20 May 2013 18:43, Bart van der Linden <> wrote:
>> I have the same problem after upgrading to ZF2.2And I can trace it back to
>> the Zend\View\Resolver\TemplatePathStack::resolve method.In 2.1.5 resolve
>> on
>> line 299 tests for:     if (pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) !=
>> $defaultSuffix)in 2.2.0 this is changed to on line 302    if
>> (pathinfo($name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == '')So with a dot in the name no
>> defaultSuffix will be appended.
>> --
>> View this message in context:
>> Sent from the Zend Framework mailing list archive at

Matthew Weier O'Phinney
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Zend Framework          |
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