
On Friday, February 8, 2002, at 09:24  AM, Bart Lateur wrote:

>>   # redirect STDERR to our logfile.
>>   open(STDERR,">&LOG") or
>>      die "Couldn't redirect STDERR to 
>> $SETTINGS->{files}->{\"log\"}: $!";

> Hmm... you're still redirecting STDERR to a file.
> What you can't do, is redirect STDERR to a tied filehandle, or to
> STDOUT, and hope to capture it all.
> The only way is with an actual file.

Bart :)

Not to be dumb as a stump, but are you saying that - under Win32 - 
STDERR would not appear in the console window?  That, because of 
possibly internal Win32 issues, it must always be sent to a file?

        ???  :]
  ('>    -Sx- IUDICIUM
  //\   Have Computer -
  v_/_    Will Hack...

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