On Fri, 8 Feb 2002 09:33:01 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Bill -Osx- Jones)

> Not to be dumb as a stump, but are you saying that - under Win32 - 
> STDERR would not appear in the console window?  That, because of 
> possibly internal Win32 issues, it must always be sent to a file?

What I think he is saying is that, on Win9x (*not* NT or 2000 under
cmd.exe, which is a bit more powerful than Win9x's command.com),

* if you do nothing, then STDERR appears on the console. Your
  Perl script does not capture it even if you (try to) use
  something like `foo.exe 2>&1`. (Instead, you're likely to end
  up with a file called '&1'.)

* if you try to redirect STDERR to a tied handle or to STDOUT
  before starting an external program (with backticks or system,
  for example), you're still not going to capture the
  application's STDERR. (I'm not sure where they end up --
  whether on the console as before, or in nirvana.)

* if you redirect STDERR to a file (or to another filehandle
  which ultimately points to a file), then the spawned
  application's STDERR messages will end up in the file, which
  can be examined programmatically -- not quite as convenient
  as having them show up in the result of `command 2>&1` but
  at least (a) they don't clutter up the console display, and
  (b) you're able to ascertain whether any output went to
  STDERR during the execution of the program.

Bart may correct me if I'm wrong.


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