On Mon, Jan 14, 2008 at 05:16:42PM +0100, Georg Moritz wrote:

> >From the keyboard of sebb [14.01.08,12:21]:

> > The rule seems to be: second vowel of a pair=dieresis, otherwise umlaut.
> > 
> > Any counter-examples?
> yup, two examples:
> German:
> "geärgert" (been angry)
> - here the second vowel is an umlaut
> Quenya - the elven-tongue:
> "ámen anta síra ilaurëa massamma" (give us today the daily our-bread)
> - here the diaeresis is noted on the first vowel at ëa

Don't forget the burning of the Böögg in Zürich at Sächsilüüte.

Paul Johnson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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