On 10/09/03 17:00, "Richard Orlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Can you give us some information on how you rebuild the battery? I have
> a dead one I wouldn't mind renewing.


The trick was to first determine what cells go inside an Apple battery. We
found out this. I don't remember off the top of my head what the Sony model
is, but can email it to you if you send me an email at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm planning to maybe put a web page or 2 with
pictures and how I did it, once I manage to do it!

The 2nd step is to find those cells at a price where it would make sense to
rebuild. There are 9 cells in an Apple battery, so you need 5 pairs of 2. Me
and Tom Ethen were able to get 12 pairs, I think, for $90, which bring the
cost so far at around $45. If I can rebuild one, then that would be a pretty
good price.

If I succeed, I will the list know, and will put out something on the web,
since I didn't find anything about rebuilding those Pismo/Lombard

Laurent Daudelin                    Developer, Multifamily, ESO, Fannie Mae
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]                   Washington, DC, USA
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