How are you overclocking? Are you just increasing the CPU speed or are you
increasing the bus speed? Both can have problems, but they're especially
likely if you're increasing the bus speed. You'll put everything else out of
whack. I would suggest at least while you're installing Panther that you
return the system to normal settings. You should be able to overclock after
you're finished installing as the installation process is usually more picky
about stability issues than anything else.

The other thing might be your hard drive, but I don't know enough specifics
to be able to suggest anything regarding that.

On 1/28/04 9:08 AM, "Dave Bonhoff" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi folks!
> I'm posting this to 2 different lists in the hopes of hitting a bigger
> knowledge base.  Please forgive me, I'm at the limit of my patience.
> The move to Panther has been an ugly one for me, and continues to
> frustrate me.  Let me start with the machine and then the problems I've
> been having and what I've tried over the past weeks.
> 1999 Bronze keyboard PowerBook, aka Lombard.  333MHz overclocked to
> 433MHz, 512 MB of Kingston RAM (2x256MB), 40 GB Toshiba MK4019GAX hard
> drive.  Runs hot, but the fan never comes on.  A bit slow but very
> stable under Jaguar.
> I hear lots of praise for Panther on slower machines, so I decide to go
> for it.  I attempt to archive and install, but about 80% through the
> first CD the screen goes weird and it has crashed...  I had backed-up
> my user folder to another machine using Synk, so I'm not too upset.  I
> reboot and try again with the same results.  I try doing just the
> upgrade and again it crashes.  I zap pram, reset NVRAM, everything that
> I can think of, even formatting the drive.  I swap RAM with my wife's
> Wallstreet, no help.  Finally, I pull the RAM chip out of the top slot
> and try just 256 MB.  It worked!
> I begin applying software updates that I had previously downloaded.
> After upgrading to X.3.1, I can no longer mount dmg's.  I wipe the
> drive and reinstall, but again, X.3.1 refuses to mount dmg's.  I wipe
> the drive yet again and reinstall going straight to X.3.2.  This is
> better!  I try the open source wireless driver that I used in Jaguar,
> but it doesn't work in Panther.  I try  the IOXperts driver and it
> works much better, even supporting Appletalk!  But less than 4 hours
> after registering the driver to my card, the card starts acting up and
> now only works sporadically.  But that is a different issue...
> I try importing my user folder that I had backed up previously.  I put
> everything where it is supposed to go and repair permissions.  Most
> everything looks good.  I reinstall most of the essential apps I need
> immediately.  Mail is a PITA.  I can check for mail, but nothing is
> arriving in my inbox.  I know that this is wrong.  I change permissions
> on every mailbox manually and things get better.  Some mailboxes have
> to have their contents copied to a new mailbox and be deleted because
> they refuse to play nice.  And web mail sucks as that is what I was
> using during this circus act.
> At this point, I've got 4 full days invested into this 'upgrade' and I
> still have lots of work ahead of me to get back to where I was.  Little
> things like preferences, locations (I had over 20 different dial-up
> locations that I use, never mind different private networks with proxy
> servers, WAP's and such, my head hurts thinking about it...), and I'm
> still trying to install software, all the while using the machine to
> earn a pay cheque.
> After a few days, I reinstall my top 256MB RAM chip and everything
> appears well, at first.  Then I get a weird display crash (like during
> the install).  It is random and different each time.  Sometimes it is a
> dark grey grid pattern, sometimes different coloured vertical bands,
> sometimes the display dissolves from the center out into psychedelic
> patterns, sometimes a horizontal line of black pixels slowly marches
> down the screen leaving an interesting pattern behind.  Repairing
> permissions will generate this problem every time it is run.  I thought
> that heat may be the problem, so I have left the keyboard open and a
> desk fan blowing onto the heat sink and it is cool to the touch rather
> than the normal 'very hot'.  It still crashes.  I try with Activity
> monitor open and watch as my installed RAM varies from 512 down to 510
> and back again.  I observe free RAM gradually disappear until there is
> 10 or so MB free, then it crashes.  This is repeated a few times to
> verify.
> I pull the RAM from both slots and apply a contact enhancer (that has
> all kinds of approvals including NATO) to both chips and the processor
> card connector.  Now when I repair permissions, my total RAM doesn't
> drop below 511 MB, and while my free RAM gets very low, 15 - 20 MB, the
> machine does not crash.  I've repaired permissions twice now, without
> the fan and the keyboard is closed.  I still don't know why the
> internal cooling fan isn't coming on.  Google hasn't been much help
> either.  I have yet to find any software that will tell me the
> operating temp of the processor.  Nothing that I have tried has worked.
> But now, my problem is that I can't mount any network drives.  I can
> see them, and I can attempt to connect to them, but they don't mount on
> the desktop or in the finder side bar.  This means I can't backup.  And
> the way this adventure through computing hell has been going, I NEED to
> backup!
> I understand, through lots of searching, that there may be an issue
> with video drivers, and with more than 384 MB of RAM installed.  The
> networking has me stumped though.  Where do I go from here?  One part
> of me wants to ditch Panther and go back to Jaguar because it worked
> well.  But the other part of me prefers the speed and features of
> Panther, when it is working nicely...
> Thanks for your suggestions!
> Dave
> ---
> Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting
> different results.
> Albert Einstein

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