On Sat, Oct 30, 2004 at 06:46:06PM +0200 or thereabouts, Mikael Bystr?m wrote:
> Talk to the developer. I have on going relationships with many. It can be
> very rewarding.

Great suggestion. I'll be inquiring.

> Anyway, Temp readings in the WS are also dependent on the CPU daughter
> card. So if the CPU supports internal temp reading, then it will be
> accessible for many apps like TM. For example the BlueChip CPU cards from
> Powerlogix give believable readings. So what ever the sensors in the
> original CPU cards of the WS's are, those are different somehow from
> other cards. maybe someone else can tell what the differences are?

Great points. Hopefully someone can provide useful information regarding
this. I've yet to move forward to get a faster cpu for the WS.
Now that the laptop has lots of ram, replacing the 6.4GB with a 40GB
drive is the next upgrade.

> Regarding the heat problems, I'm surprised no-one mentioned cooling
> paste. When I had heat problems with a BlueChip G3 card in the WS II,
> applying the correct amount of cooling paste and adding a custom made
> *copper* plate on top of the CPU (I measured the exact thickness) and
> under the heatsink, decreased the temperature from excessive temps around
> 90?C to only 59?C. At 93?C somewhere, the machine froze, so it made all
> the difference.

I had read on some obscure site about a fellow who made a custom aluminum
heatsink for his WS. I thought about doing this in mine. That was right
when I got the machine and had read about it making lots of heat. But after
using it for a while, I found it to be quite acceptable. 

Before I go that route, I want to know exactly whats up with the fan not
coming on. Once I've that figured out, then adding additional cooling
can be investigated.

> I'm sure you can do something also in your situation for improving heat
> dissipation. Please note that my fan did run and it didn't help half as
> good for dissipation than a copper plate and cooling paste.

What OS were you running when the fan was coming on?

Thank you for your helpful comments and suggestions.


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