
----- Forwarded message from suso en -----

To: debian-i18n en
Subject: Re: Resignation announcement
Date: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 15:50:54 +0200
User-Agent: Mutt/1.5.15+20070412 (2007-04-11)

By my side I'll start presenting my excuses in the case I wrote
something offensive or dissapointed, which was not my intention. 

Christian Perrier escrebeu:
> Quoting Jacobo Tarrio (jacobo en
> >  It now appears that lots of people would work on Galician l10n only if it
> > weren't for me. Perhaps it's time to move on and let them prove themselves.
> > And I can probably use the extra free time.
> > 
> >  So after the release of Lenny I will cease working on all Galician l10n
> > activities for Debian.
> Jacobo, I don't think this is exactly the right way to handle
> this. And, unless things have been told and written elsewhere,
> evrythign that was written here expressed the respect of involved
> parties for your work. So I have not seen that "ppl would work for
> Galician only if it weren't for you".
> (this probably comes from disputes I'm not aware of)
> You can obviously read from the thread in -i18n all the respect that's
> due to your work, and please trust me to enforce such respect.

I can supose Jacobo, that you probably needed to deal in the past with
disputes or situations you don't like to deal again. I don't know which
was the situation in that past, but I clearly know the situation in the
present. And I can state that there are no positions against you, at
least not known by me or made explicit recently. Contrarywise, a lot of
people (like me) admire your work and express our gratitude each time we

Today there is a very motivated galician localization community who
recognizes the value of your effort and who'll love to work with you
(not without you or in absence of you, this is important). Perhaps I'm
wrong with this, but that's what I perceive.

> What's implicitely suggested is: now that a ML has been setup and
> possible new contributors are coming, efforts to involve them should
> happen. 
> And efforts from the interested people to involve themselves and work
> with the existing Debian Galician l10n community (aka "you") should
> also happen.
> By experience, this is not that much and this is worth
> it. Really. That could be basically using the d-l-galician more widely
> to at least coordinate who works on what.
> You will need to do that anyway so that other Galician translators
> need to know that you maintain this or that part of your past work.
> Other people will need to do that anyway for the exact same reasons.
> I understand this might change your work methods and might even
> complicate them. That's probably a minimal price to pay to keep the
> community active and alive.

I agree with all this, that's also my experience. As that sudo message
states, 'big power means big responsability'. Jacobo, you are the main
(only) galician l10n Debian contributor, so the power (and the
responsability) basically remains at your hands.

If you are decided to resign -which is not a good new- then its your
decision and it might be respected. But, as a Galician Debian user, 
then I'll might ask you to easy some kind of generational replacement
involving the debian-l10n-galician ML in order to not orphan Debian 
Galician translation.

Anyway, I'll prefer asking you first to reconsideer your resignation
proposition; basically because it seems to be based on a mistaken
perception: nobody is attacking you! I think the pressure you are
feeling is just the hard weigth of power. The remedy is easy: simply
find the way to share it. MLs are very apropriate tools for joining 
efforts allowing each one to find a convenient role for itself. That's
the only way I know to let a community grow up. Obviously that includes


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