Suso: o meu decidido apoio a tua mesaxe. Pola miña banda querolle tamén 
enviar un mail a Nitot mostrandolle a miña desconformidade co seu 
comentario hacia Galicia.

Javier Garcia Tobio

suso.baleato en escribió:
> Hi Tristan:
> I'm writing you as the Coordinator of the Government of Galicia's Free
> Software Reference and Services Center, after receiving a bunch of angry
> messages  against your hard comments on the support of Galician language
> in Firefox 3:
> With your comments on the press, you are sugesting that: Galician
> localization community does not want/ it is not capable of having Firefox
> in galician language. Happily, that is not true. Unfortunately, people
> here is feeling like beeing under an attack from the Mozilla Foundation.
> We have a strong localization community here at Galiza. They were 
> providing localized software to our own language since 1996 in both a
> volunteer and professional way. Since 2005 they even acquired the support
> of the Galician Government in their effort, managing to localize a large
> variety of projects from entire desktops like GNOME, office software like
> or more specific software like Typo3 or OpenBravo. Just as
> a show of the interest of the galician society, we registered at Mancomún
> more than 100.000 downloads and more than 30.000 distributed CD and DVD of
> free software localized to galician language in the last year. You can
> reach some of that software here:
> Having Firefox localized to galician language by volunteers will be a nice
> thing, but it will not be possible if the Mozilla Foundation continues
> putting the blame on the Galician localization community... when you are
> rejecting their contributions same time. You might understand that
> attacking and damaging people is not a good way to motivate them, even
> when working with a so motivated community as the galician one.
> If this public Center can help to solve that disfunctional situation in
> order to have Firefox 3 available in Galician language, simply tell us
> and we will try to manage. Anyway: you might consideer that we will not do
> anything in the field of Free Software against the will of the Galician
> localization community. Attacking them will definitely not help.
> Greetings,

------------ próxima parte ------------
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