At 10:00 PM -0500 11/4/2008, Anne Keller-Smith wrote:
>if I just dragged files to the hard drive am I going to have 
>permissions problems?

No, because Finder won't work with things you don't own or already 
have access to.

However... If you're dragging around some apps, or things outside of 
your user folder, then there could be problems.

>What are the issues here?

Finder drags creates "new" files, with inherited ownerships and 
permissions.  That's ok for 99% of user data, if you don't mind 
loosing dates etc.  But once in a while you'll bang up against an app 
that gives you grief - so it will require a reinstall (if you've 
installed it in your user tree).

>Was considering Time Machine but my brain balked at the $300 price tag.

Forget TM.  It's not ripe yet.

Use CCC.  The new version is very nice.  You tell it what folders to 
copy and it does it.  As an incremental backup, If you check the 
"archive modified and deleted items" box, then instead of deleting 
the stale data on the backup, it moves 'em into a time-stamped 
folder.  This is the equivalent of TM's history but without the 
pretty interface (you just poke in with Finder to get older stuff you 

eg:  With CCC, I cloned my whole boot volume to my external.  And now 
I've told CCC to backup /Users/dan every day at 4pm, incremental, 
archive.  Each afternoon it yammers at me to plug in the external.  I 
do, it does, it dismounts, it's done.  I could have set that up to 
backup only /Users/dan/stuff or any other level, or even multiple 
folders.  Can even schedule multiple tasks, etc.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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