On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 08:39 -0700, Bruce Johnson wrote:
> On Dec 8, 2008, at 8:22 PM, Ralph wrote:
> > There are Intel documents describing the architecture, but they are
> > pdfs and I dislike pointing to proprietary format files.
> So what problem do you have with PDF's, they're an open, public format.
  Not really.  I will give Adobe credit for honestly documenting the
format.  That puts them way ahead of what Microsoft did with ooxml.  The
PDF format has been documented for a long time and version 1.7 has
become an ISO standard.  Up until version 1.7, it was always a
proprietary, openly documented format.  But, it was still proprietary,
with only Adobe controlling the format.  I'll see how the ISO 32000
format works out.  If it is widely adopted, I will be more open to
pointing to those documents.  As of now, most PDFs on the web are not
version 1.7.  I don't want to take the chance that some PDF I would
point to would only open in the Adobe product.  In that case, I would be
indirectly suggesting that someone install the Adobe PDF reader.  The
license for the Adobe PDF reader is objectionable and I would not want
to spread its adoption.

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