Bruce Johnson wrote:
> On Jun 3, 2009, at 6:06 AM, Paul Kemner wrote:
>> My question: If the VGA monitor is switched off (and it would  
>> probably look
>> like it's unplugged due to the KVM switch), will my G4 boot in  
>> single screen
>> mode, or will I just see half my desktop? Will I have to change the
>> configuration every time I switch from one to two monitors?
> Nope. OS X is good about seeing multiple monitors and handling the  
> changes, even on the fly. No need to do anything.
I don't want to get in a shooting match, but if your monitors are 
different sizes and resolutions, sometimes your resolution and colors 
will get reset in OSX too. This comes from experience on a G4 running 
Tiger with one LCD plugged into ADC and one plugged into DVI on the same 
video card. Sometimes if I didn't switch one of the flat panels on 
before I booted, the other one would get reset to some default values. 
The Apple display plugged into ADC was 1024x768 and the DVI one was 
first 1280x1024 and then replaced with a 1900x1600.


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