On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 1:54 AM, Kyle Hansen<pi...@speakeasy.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am a Nanny here at LEM.  We have some rules about posting in our forums.
> One rule that gets looked over quite frequently is what is called ³top
> posting.²  We ask that you post your responses AFTER the text you are
> answering.  This is called ³bottom posting² and considered the polite
> Internet standard.  Naturally you should also trim out some of the
> non-essential information from the previous post as well.  Here is a snippet
> of the rules that you read when you signed up for these lists:
> http://www.lowendmac.com/lists/netiquette.shtml
> Thanks for your understanding.  You will be warned first, then temp banned
> and then banned from the list if you don¹t follow the few rules we ask you
> to follow.  Usually we will ban you or moderate you (so your post has to be
> approved by a nanny before it will hit the list) then temporarily ban you
> (usually 72 hours), and then if you still don¹t ³get it² you will just be
> banned from the listŠ.which we really do not want to do.  So please take the
> few extra seconds and trim your posts then post your response at the bottom.
> Not only is it polite, it is a requirement of our lists.  Some threads get
> really hard to follow if you ³top post.²
> We have posted several warnings.  The warnings are going to stop and then
> bans are going to begin.  It is not that difficult to trim a post and then
> reply in the natural fashion which is below the quoted text.
> Thank you again for your understanding.
> Kyle Hansen

Why are you trying to enforce a non-existent rule:


After discussion with the other list managers, we've decided to end
our policy of asking that list members not "top post" their replies.
That's the default behavior of most email clients, and just reminding
people of our recommendation to "bottom post" or interleave your
replies has become more trouble than its worth. From this point
forward, top posting is no longer an issue.

Dan Knight, list owner
publisher, LowEndMac.com

.....Dan Knight a while ago made this rule no longer a issue, I don't
quite get why you're trying to reinforce it now. I don't think it's
too wise to try and cross the list owner.

Best Regards,

John Musbach

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