Bruce Johnson wrote:
> Len and Andreas clearly have more recent experience than I on this
> subject; I'd go with their recommendations and stick to the Dual 1 Gig.

i can only add my personal experience.  i do not use the apps you
mention.  i do use apps (gaussian and spartan) that do very CPU
intensive tasks, that can take hours, days, weeks, or months to
execute a single instruction.  there is no limit, really, other than
the size of the task given them, and my willingness to wait for the
answer.  the computers that perform these computations are dedicated
machines.  i never have other apps open when the computations are in
progress.  i compared a QS/933 to a QS/1GDP and found that on
computations that required several hours to complete, the 933MHz was
(within 0.5%) exactly 93.3% as fast as the dual 1 gig.  the dual
processors feature made absolutely no difference.  the dual one gig
processor was no faster than a single 1 gig processor would have been
when executing a single job.  where the dual processors ARE of value
is that it allows me to submit two jobs simultaneously on the 1 gig
DP, with only a slight loss of computing efficiency.  in essence, the
DP QS is like having two independent 1 gig QS computers in one box.

of course, this only applies to my situation, but it may shed some
light on the question.  many (if not most) apps make no use of the
dual CPU architecture, and most of the apps you mention are nowhere
near as CPU intensive as the ones i use.  OSX itself makes only
limited use of DP architecture, so the benefits when multitasking will
be minimal, unless you are running two apps simultaneously which are
both very CPU intensive, like photo editing with one app while another
app is ripping video in the background.  so long story short, i think
bruce's original assessment was correct.  theoretically, the 1.4 gig
single processor should be nearly 40% faster for most applications.
however, i would also add that i have had unsatisfactory experiences
with several Sonnet products, and would never consider getting another
processor upgrade made by them.


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