If it is longer, be careful and try not to damage anything inside. Put it in
carefully, and you'll be good to go. It will fit in, but i don't know about
the hook. The hook may be some obstrustion to the system. I have expirience
with an Nvidia GeForce 6200 GT with 256MB VRAM, it is very long, and it does
have a hook, but basically i looked where i was plugging it in, and
everything was good to go. As long a it can fit into the socket, you're ok.
BTW, the Nvidia GeForce FX5200 is kinda slower, so i would reccoemnd buying
one from me. I have once Nvidia GeForce 6800 GT AGP 8x 256MB VRAM. yes it is
the longer one, but it has no hook, and it requirees plugging in a power
plug like the ones on a HDD on a 3.5" internal drive, or a DVD/CD drive.
It's pretty fast, and useful. I don't need it at all because It won't fit
into my PM G4 Graphite. inteas i have ste same card that's compatible in
there only it's a 6200GT not a 6800GT.

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