On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 9:40 PM, John Callahan <jcalla...@stny.rr.com>wrote:

> (snip)
> Recently I had the temerity to ask what all the conversation about "IS the
> world about to change ?" is and although I have read thousands of comments
> about the subject failed to receive an answer. Either no one knows or I have
> somehow done something to offend the Lords of the Manor (I know that the
> ones formerly called "Nannies" have a new title but don't remember what it
> is). Would someone enlighten me please.
>  John Callahan

First I heard about your plaint and i am the original poster. If and lords
of the manor are offended I am first on their s*it list.

The title subject headlined a one word post symbolizing the dilemma.

The word was " Lion?" and was an interrogatory as to the ramifications a new
as opposed to an incremental upgrade. As the last incremental upgrade has
had people scrambling to adapt non supported hardware for a year. What
torture and suffering will Lion bring. whose machine will not boot anymore.
And will Apple let Tiger run or break it mercilessly  to send users to the
Apple store tearfully submitting all forms of plastic credit?

And on top of that and implied in the title were other announcements by The
Steve as to what new edicts will be imposed. As well as a day or so before
the pronouncements about the i world pocket enslavement system and the
superiority of that to the open source Android  free world devices which are
the hopes of the opposers to The Steve.

Even though his humble beginnings were with the rebels he now renounces
those fallacious doctrines and ridicules the codes they engender.

The former list nannies ( I still call them that) are now given the title "
Most Celestial Servants of the Mac Mother " Meetings are on alternate
Tuesdays in the hall behind the rectory.

I tried to

Adrian D'Alessio aka; Fluxstringer



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