On Sun, Oct 24, 2010 at 7:50 PM, Bruce Johnson <john...@pharmacy.arizona.edu
> wrote:

> On Oct 23, 2010, at 10:33 PM, Wallace Adrian D'Alessio wrote:
>  I took a video project  to the talent's home tonight. They brought out an
>> early Intel Mac laptop.
>> The files were Quicktime. The small resolution overview played fine. The
>> wide screen HQ files were only 1024 wide or so but played haltingly. Yuck!
>> And streaming video off youtube was a joke. I do not mess with the
>> machines
>> of others. But there are 5 year old PCs that would not flinch at this. If
>> it
>> had been my machine I would have been very embarrassed. And Apple should
>> be
>> ashamed.
> Huh? How in the hell should APPLE be embarrassed by something screwed up on
> some random person's laptop? Are you implying that no Apple laptop of
> similar vintage can run streaming video?

Not at all. Am saying this should not happen on any newer Mac. Period.  Did
not say Apple should be embarrassed. I said if it was my machine I would be
embarrassed. and pissed.
At myself to begin with.

>  An Intel Mac !  And too messed up to cut the mustard. Owned by the wife of
>> a
>> highly placed professor with access to a department IT guy. And Apple Care
>> too boot.
> Without even SEEING the machine, I'll wager it was a first gen Macbook with
> (places envelope to head a' la the great Karnak) 512 megs of RAM, running
> Tiger.

I will inquire tactfully.

> And sorry to burst your bubble about 'access to a department IT guy', but
> 90% of the 'department IT guy's out there are MSCE types who couldn't give a
> crap about some professor's laptop.

This campus is heavily Mac depending on the department. This prof is from
music. What would and IT in the music building choose. What would music
department heads choose. Do you think after spouting about my class
experiences here for 6 years I would not have some inkling of what choice of
platform various departments would be inclined to make.?
Especially since 6 years ago you had to go 45 miles to find a Mac seller
unless you knew a Mac store was here on campus. That was before all the ads
and the Winblowz Macs.

> The ONLY reason our college has Mac support at ALL is me, and it's pure
> happenstance that I work where I work, because I had some experience
> programming, a teensy bit of database experience and a willingness to dive
> into terra incognita to port the College's financial and alumni databases
> from Ingres running on a Mini-Vax to a 'modern' Sybsase 4 system running on
> a HP/Apollo minicomputer.

Sad. no media,journalism,art,music departments? How mundane !

> At the time we were limited to 4 macs on the network, because that's the
> minimum client pack Novell sold for Macs. In fact I was once officially
> reprimanded for providing Mac support.
> ALL of the Mac growth on our systems has come from the ground up, from the
> users, and even with my work, or official policy is 'Mac support is ad-hoc;
> you're mostly on your own'. This is pretty much typical for the vast
> majority of campus IT.
> _________________________________

I talk to our School of Mass Media and Journalism IT director ( saying the
title backwards because I like it that way) several times a week at
Starbucks. he even has a bevy of minions.and sports a straw cowboy hat and
goatee. He is always pleased to talk Macs and kept a Sawtooth on his desk,
not because he had to but because he liked it.

 That department has hundreds of Macs of all ages form the early Aught's to
present. This department was put into a refurbed historic building and is
state of the art for 3 years ago when it was completed. It replaces the
building where the famous pisture was taken. You know the one Bruce. ( The
rest of you can guess. I get tired of talking about it) . the least of them
being iMacs. and ranging to big Mac Pro edit suites and mid range models to
do audio and various chores. "Newsies " mostly get iMacs. But a room full of
FCP machines is awe inspiring as is a RAID just for video of stdents the
size of a cubic yard and a huge room for the building/class servers. Then
there is a separate room for the TV studio. Student run ( There is another
one on campus for the PBS station) Student TV is all Mac and all digital
with an Odrade etc. Only proprietary TV studio systems which require them to
use PCs like the title server have them. All recording from the digital
cameras in the studio is to the highest def HD mac system and it's own huge
server array. Droplets and scripts divide the recordings for archive and
other uses.

There are other macs on Campus., as i said depending on department and usage
. Software APP driven. I hear the 3D CAD and animation departmet ( separate
from all others !) uses Macs. Or at least the Profs. Can't Imaging students
would have different machines as the rooms are configured so the prof can
show software techniques.

But the demand is getting too great for machines. Enrollment is at a record
high and second in the state.I am too weak and tired to fight for a Mac Pro
4 nights a week.
And I don't think campus police would let me block the door of a big edit
suite very long.

Adrian D'Alessio aka; Fluxstringer



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