At 3:29 PM -0700 1/23/2011, Tina K. wrote:
To connect from outside your home network, you'll need to forward port 5900 to your husband's Mac in the router configuration. I think that's all it takes, someone please correct me if I've overlooked something.

That's fine.

A minor, but perhaps important point...

First, make sure you use a strong password. This "vnc login" is giving someone on the outside FULL access to your computer, and thru it FULL access to everything on your home LAN!

Next, DO NOT use the default inbound port 5900. That's a well-known port number, that virus/worms/malware often check in their attempts break in. Keep that port CLOSED. Instead, use a port with an obscure number, eg: 65500. Then forward that obscure port to the standard port 5900 on the target Mac.

  WAN port 65500 -> LAN port 5900 on husband's Mac.

In the VNC Client, that you're using to connect to your home, simply tell it to use port 65500 instead of the default of 5900.

Yea, it's an extra step. But in today's climate it's just NOT a good idea to leave your front door open!

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth.

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