Ah...clem, I couldn't agree with you more on that!!! I am not too happy with 
my Macbook either, that I'm still using my Tibook!!!

>On Mar 22, 3:09 pm, Daniel Stewart <daniel.stewart...@gmail.com>
>> Not surprising that you have had hardware issues with the Intel Macs.
>>  I have been doing service work on PCs for years and that is pretty
>> standard with intel based systems.    I have to ask though with the
>> X86 Mac what on earth was Apple thinking with Intel integrated
>> graphics.   Intel integrated GPUs were considered a joke on the Wintel
>> side long before Apple made the switch so why got with a graphics
>> platform that many consider to be an oxymoron especially given who
>> Apples clients tend to be.On Mar 23, 12:44 pm, imrazor <evol...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>> Thanks Dan, that's a very good summary for a non-coder like myself.
>> Apple claims that Altivec is twice as fast as SSE1/2/3 at 8 flops/
>> cycle vs SSE's 4flops/cycle, so theoretically shouldn't a G5 be twice
>> as fast as an Intel processor at SIMD operations at equivalent clock
>> speeds?
>thank-you.  QED.  i rest my case.  intel is junk, and the switch to
>intel was a HUGE step backwards for apple.  and "puhleeze," spare us
>all the stories about how fast your MacPro is compared to an MDD.
>that proves NOTHING.  the relevant question is, how fast would a
>MacPro be if it used the latest G7 processor?
>i, for one, used apples rather than PC's for ONE reason and one reason
>ONLY.  by a very wide margin, they outperformed comparable PCs and
>even PCs that were superior "on paper."  NOW, they DON'T.
>reluctantly, i bought an intelmac, hoping that the braintrust at apple
>would justify my faith in them by building a better "blackbox" using
>the same guts.  they haven't, and it looks like they won't.  you can't
>make a silk purse from a sow's ear.  i know i have to live with it,
>and living with it seems to me to point to abandoning apple altogether
>and going with a PC running either 64-bit win7 or unix.  and i would
>even go so far as to encourage all apple users to do the same.  how
>else will apple and SJ ever get the message?

Scars only tell us where we have been, they do not have to dictate where we are 

“Choose love and peace above all other options.  Commit to the goal of 
unconditional love and compassion for all life, in all its expressions, and 
surrender all judgment to God.

--- Dr. David R. Hawkins

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