This morning 12 hours later I cannot get this computer to boot.
I get the normal start up chime/bong then once it lights up the monitor I have a black rectangle on a grey screen or just the apple in the center of the grey screen. Once with the 'C' key held down and the cd in it gave me the same except the rectangle had the "you need to restart your computer" text in it.

Tried booting into single user mode, it boots up to the exact same hang screen and message as last night. This screen will not accept any keyboard input. Tried booting with the option key, I get the selection of start up disks but it only goes to the blank "you need to restart your computer" screen when I try to start it. The only thing I have not tried is booting into OS 9 which I'm not sure if this machine will do.

It seems stuck in Applejack and Single user mode.

Any tricks that I don't know about to make it boot to OSX?
Or is this a fatal error?

Could this hang cause any possible problems with the HDD?

On Apr 25, 2012, at 12:02 AM, wrote:

Downloaded Applejack, ran Memory test on single 512 stick that came with. Passed with flying colors. Added back the additional RAM and ran Memory test again....... CPU panic and hang.
Had to use power button to shut down.

Test at time of panic;
Walking Zeroes :testing 29 of 64panic(cpu 0 caller 0x000A4EC8): simple lock (0x003DA020) deadlock detection, pc=0x00033564

Does this mean bad RAM or problems with the logic board or processor?

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