At 01:52 AM 8/12/00 -0600, you wrote:
Hallo a Leslie,
Tha mi an deochas gu bheil thu math Di-Domhnaich breagha seo.
I hope that you are well this beautiful Sunday.

Tha an t-side breagha ann an Ontario an-diugh. Tha i grianach agus tha i
The weather is beautiful in Intario today.It is sunny and it is warm.

>>ad 's gabh ti leam. 
>When you are here again, come and take tea with me.

Tapadh leat, bidh mi toilichte ag ol ti leat. 
(Yikes...trying to say :
Thank you, I will be happy drinking tea with you.

I like the mountains, too, but I think there is no sea in them.

 Ah, gu dearanh....:) Ach 's toil leam mara agus tha i aonaranch agam.

Yes,indeed....but I like(love) the ocean and I have lonely in me it.
(I hope this can translate..I am missing it(the ocean) 

>   'Se ainm air a' ghrunn agam "Taigh Gàidhlig Calgary".  'Se uile dhinn
>      The name of my group is "..."  All of us are learners.

Chan eil me fhios am gu bheil tha i ghrunn ann an Calgary.
I did not know that there is a group in Calgary.

Tha mi sona a'cluintinn siud.
I am glad hearing that.  
   An aithne dhut Frank Wilson?  Tha e a' fuireach ann an Newmarket
>cuideachd.  'Se tidsear Ghàidhlig a tha ann, tha mi a' smaoineachadh.
>      (Do you know ....?  He lives in Newmarket also.  He's a teacher of
>Gaelic, I think.

Bha mi a'bruidhinn Frank Wilson air *telephone*.
I was speaking to F.W. on the ..

'Se tidsear Ghaidhlig a tha ann, ach tha mi oilneannach Gaidhlig a Toronto
( U of T)
He is a Gaelic teacher but I am a Gaelic student in Toronto.

Cha fhios am de an leasan Nemarket.
I did not know about the Newmarket lessons.( until after I had been at the
lessons in Toronto for about a year)

Beannachd leat, Eilidh
>Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada-----
>   Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh
>      A blockhead can find more fault than a wise man can mend 
>             --Gaelic proverb
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