Leslie Gadallah wrote:

>     Aonghais, choir, tha fios agad a nach bi na ceistean ghòraiche leam
> air son bidh mi eòlach.  :)
>     Angus, dear, you know that the silly questions from me are not
> because I am learned.  (Speaking of which, I don't feel good about this
> sentence.  Corrections would be appreciated.)

Leslie agus a h-uile duine,

Chanainn:  Tha fios agad nach bi na céistean ghòrach agam o 'n a bhios mi eòlach.

Uill, chan eil mise eòlach air a' Ghàidhlig  na 's motha. Chan eil ach triùir 's
aithne dhomh air feadh an t-saoghail mu dheidhinn  a chanainn gu robh iad fior
eòlach air a' Ghàidhlig. 'S e canain dhomhainn a th' innte... 's dòcha leam gur a
h-e sin a dheanas cho binn breagha brìghmhor i.......

Well, am not I knowledgeable on the Gaelic either.. Are not but three (people)
recognized (?) to-me all over the world about that would-say-I that were they
knowledgebale on thh Gaelic. Is it language deep that is in-her... I suppose that
is that that will-make so melodious, beautiful, substantial her.

Well, I'm not learned either. There are only three people I know about whom I
woulld  say that they were truly larned in Gaelic. It's a deep language... I
suppose that's what makes it so melodic, beautiful, and substantial.  (
"Sunstantial" is a very poor word to use here, but I can't think of a bbetter

Le meas,

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