Dear Peter, dear John, dear all

Thanks very much. This is exactly what I need and the code changes 
proposed work perfectly as they are. At a short glance even the 
validators work as intended.

Now for the optional special bonus:

Is there a way to define the size of the boxes? The ones I see have 4 
lines. Can I make them resizable somehow or define a larger size? 
(size="10" or resize="true" does not seem to do the trick.) Not a very 
pressing issue though.

@Joachim: I am using the same approach elsewhere, but the difference is 
that it runs a tool multiple times, instead of running it once on 
multiple inputs. But thanks anyway.


On 01/10/13 14:08, John Chilton wrote:
> Thanks Peter,
>    Yeah, looking over unified_genotyper.xml, you would probably just
> want to replace:
>     #for $i, $input_bam in enumerate( $reference_source.input_bams ):
>         -d "-I" "${input_bam.input_bam}" "${input_bam.input_bam.ext}"
> "gatk_input_${i}"
>         #if str( $input_bam.input_bam.metadata.bam_index ) != "None":
>             -d "" "${input_bam.input_bam.metadata.bam_index}"
> "bam_index" "gatk_input_${i}" ##hardcode galaxy ext type as bam_index
>         #end if
>     #end for
> with
>     #for $i, $input_bam in enumerate( $reference_source.input_bams ):
>         -d "-I" "${input_bam}" "${input_bam.ext}" "gatk_input_${i}"
>         #if str( $input_bam.metadata.bam_index ) != "None":
>             -d "" "${input_bam.metadata.bam_index}" "bam_index"
> "gatk_input_${i}" ##hardcode galaxy ext type as bam_index
>         #end if
>     #end for
> And:
>          <repeat name="input_bams" title="BAM file" min="1"
> help="-I,--input_file &amp;lt;input_file&amp;gt;">
>              <param name="input_bam" type="data" format="bam" label="BAM 
> file">
>                <validator type="unspecified_build" />
>                <validator type="dataset_metadata_in_data_table"
> table_name="gatk_picard_indexes" metadata_name="dbkey"
> metadata_column="dbkey" message="Sequences are not currently available
> for the specified build." /> <!-- fixme!!! this needs to be a select
> -->
>              </param>
>          </repeat>
> with
>              <param name="input_bams" type="data" multiple="true"
> format="bam" label="BAM file">
>                <validator type="unspecified_build" />
>                <validator type="dataset_metadata_in_data_table"
> table_name="gatk_picard_indexes" metadata_name="dbkey"
> metadata_column="dbkey" message="Sequences are not currently available
> for the specified build." /> <!-- fixme!!! this needs to be a select
> -->
>              </param>
> And:
>          <repeat name="input_bams" title="BAM file" min="1"
> help="-I,--input_file &amp;lt;input_file&amp;gt;">
>              <param name="input_bam" type="data" format="bam" label="BAM 
> file" >
>              </param>
>          </repeat>
> with
>              <param name="input_bams" multiple="true" type="data"
> format="bam" label="BAM file" >
>              </param>
> I have not tested these specific changes, so your millage may vary. I
> have no clue if those validators in that second block are going to
> work with multiple="true". If you test it out and there is some
> problem, please let me know I can try to fix it.
> I don't know if the Galaxy team wants to start replacing these blocks
> in its tools - this change would break existing workflows built on the
> unified genotyper and I am not sure the Galaxy team has any interest
> in using these kind of data blocks going forward. They are working out
> great for us on Galaxy-P though.
> -John
> On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 7:57 AM, Peter Cock <> wrote:
>> On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 1:27 PM, Ulf Schaefer <> wrote:
>>> Dear all
>>> We frequently find ourselves in situations where a tool needs to be run
>>> with a lot of input files. For example, run the GATK UnifiedGenotyper
>>> with easily dozens of bam files.
>>> Using the <repeat> in this case requires quite a bit of clicking. Is
>>> there a more conventient way fo doing this? Maybe similar to the
>>> multi-file-select that is possible for workflow inputs?
>>> I saw some older discussions on this or similar issues, but I am a bit
>>> lost what the current official stable proposed solution for this is.
>>> Thanks for your help
>>> Ulf
>> Use <param type="data" multiple="true" ... > instead of using
>> <repeat ...><param type="data" ...></repeat>.
>> I asked John Chilton about this recently via Twitter, and it is
>> now on the wiki,
>> Simple example here:
>> Peter
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