Benoit Minisini ha scritto:
> On mercredi 17 décembre 2008, Doriano Blengino wrote:
>> Fabien Bodard ha scritto:
>>> doriano you have not read carefully my message too !
>>> this is an exemple to interact with desktop it work on KDE4..;
>> Fabien,
>> you are so kind. In your last message there was no word saying "kde"
>> :-), so I assumed you misunderstood.
>> As I stated before, the first example failed to D&D between two instances.
>> Here at work I have no KDE, too; this evening I will try again at home.
>> The last example you sended fails with error 11 - no problem, may be my
>> gambas version is too old (2.0.0); nevertheless I don't understand why
>> it does so...
> gb.gtk was not very reliable in 2.0.0. You should use a more recent version!
I don't understand why this error 11 happen, simply because I wrote 
quite the same thing, and it worked (at least, without error 11). When 
loaded Fabien's example, even after "Build all", it crashes. Probably 
this happens because I loaded a newer file with an older 

This evening I will do more consistent tests. About the version too 
old... I am perfectly happy with it. GTK is bad, but QT work wells 
enough; I don't want to mess my computer up - to install a more recent 
version of gambas I should upgrade too many things; I have no desire and 
time neither to do something like that. Then, if I will discover that I 
absolutely need drag and drop, and D&D only works with more recent 
versions, then I will update my system. But first I will check where the 
problem is.

Happy D&D'ing to everybody,
Doriano Blengino

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