Sorry if I was unclear.

I have released an Ubuntu package of my own application in my 
development machine running Ubuntu 8.10 and Gambas 2.9. No problems at 
all, so far on this configuration.

Later, I've installed such .deb package into a *clean* Ubuntu 8.04, 
which complains about pointer[] class. All dependencies are satisfied 
correctly, but when I call this method, my program crashes with the 
explained message. Note this PC has not Gambas2 IDE installed nor any 
component, previously to install my own package.
Also this behavior is the same with all users who has 8.04 (3 different 
users at least has reported to me this error).
Hope this clarify my question (sorry for my messy English, lol)



Benoît Minisini escribió:
>> Hi all
>> Since I'm testing my application in several distributions, I've noticed
>> a bug? with pointer class in Ubuntu 8.04 only.
>> This is related to embedder, so it's better to show my code based on the
>> example provided by Gambas. Note that the example doesn't work, too.
>> PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
>>    DIM sTitle AS String
>>    DIM aHandle AS NEW Pointer[]
>>    DIM iHandle AS Integer
>>     sTitle = "DX Map" 'this is a xplanet window
>>     ME.Title = sTitle
>>        WHILE aHandle.Count < 1
>>              aHandle = Desktop.find(Trim(sTitle))
>>              WAIT 0.1
>>        WEND
>>    iHandle = aHandle[0]
>>    TRY Embedder1.Embed(iHandle)
>>    FMain.Controls["btnMap"].Enabled = FALSE
>>    loadSettings()
>> END
>> The error shown is:
>> [2] Cannot load class 'Pointer[]':
>> Unable to load class file.
>> FMap.?.0
>> I've attached a capture of it.
>> Using Gambas 2.9, and deployed Ubuntu .deb package.
>> Any hints?
>> Best regards
>> Jesús
> You are not very clear: on which system do you get the error. Which version 
> of 
> Gambas is installed on this system?

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