> Sorry if I was unclear.
> I have released an Ubuntu package of my own application in my
> development machine running Ubuntu 8.10 and Gambas 2.9. No problems at
> all, so far on this configuration.
> Later, I've installed such .deb package into a *clean* Ubuntu 8.04,
> which complains about pointer[] class. All dependencies are satisfied
> correctly, but when I call this method, my program crashes with the
> explained message. Note this PC has not Gambas2 IDE installed nor any
> component, previously to install my own package.
> Also this behavior is the same with all users who has 8.04 (3 different
> users at least has reported to me this error).
> Hope this clarify my question (sorry for my messy English, lol)
> Thanks
> Jesús
> Benoît Minisini escribió:
> >> Hi all
> >>
> >> Since I'm testing my application in several distributions, I've noticed
> >> a bug? with pointer class in Ubuntu 8.04 only.
> >>
> >> This is related to embedder, so it's better to show my code based on the
> >> example provided by Gambas. Note that the example doesn't work, too.
> >>
> >> PUBLIC SUB Form_Open()
> >>
> >>    DIM sTitle AS String
> >>    DIM aHandle AS NEW Pointer[]
> >>    DIM iHandle AS Integer
> >>
> >>     sTitle = "DX Map" 'this is a xplanet window
> >>     ME.Title = sTitle
> >>        WHILE aHandle.Count < 1
> >>
> >>              aHandle = Desktop.find(Trim(sTitle))
> >>
> >>              WAIT 0.1
> >>        WEND
> >>    iHandle = aHandle[0]
> >>    TRY Embedder1.Embed(iHandle)
> >>    FMain.Controls["btnMap"].Enabled = FALSE
> >>
> >>    loadSettings()
> >>
> >> END
> >>
> >> The error shown is:
> >>
> >> [2] Cannot load class 'Pointer[]':
> >> Unable to load class file.
> >> FMap.?.0
> >>
> >> I've attached a capture of it.
> >> Using Gambas 2.9, and deployed Ubuntu .deb package.
> >>
> >> Any hints?
> >>
> >> Best regards
> >>
> >> Jesús
> >
> > You are not very clear: on which system do you get the error. Which
> > version of Gambas is installed on this system?

Pointer[] was introduced in Gambas 2.1 with the 64 bits port. So I think the 
target system has a too old Gambas version.



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