One way to do this is to use an
  Int kptimer and set it to 10 every keypress.

Inside the timer (if set at 1 second ticks)

  IF kptimer >= 0 then DEC kptimer   'decrement
  if kptimer = 0 then 'timeout 10 something.
  'kptimer will stay at -1 after that until reset to 10.

So, the timer control always runs.

---------- Original Message -----------
From: richard terry <>
To: mailing list for gambas users <>
Sent: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 07:45:35 +1100
Subject: [Gambas-user] Timer question

> I want to be able to reset the timers time to 0 at will, without stopping the 
> timer, so that I can link it to the keypress of a textbox. Every time the 
> user hits a key, the place the timer is up to is reset, once they lag, then 
> the timer event fires.
> Dosn't seem to be such a property.
> Thanks.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Gambas-user mailing list
------- End of Original Message -------

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