This routine is called by my program, consecutively a large number of times 
during an automated process:

Public Sub Display_HTML(sHTML As String, wb As WebView, Optional prefix As 
String = "html")

  Dim wFile As File
  Dim sFilename As String
  sFilename = Temp$(prefix) & ".html"
  wfile = Open sFilename For Write Create
  Print #wfile, sHTML
  Close #wfile
  wb.url = sFilename

the temp file is opened-closed.

Yet at a certain point gambas comes up with an error 24: too many opened files. 
Does this mean the temp-file quota has somehow been exceeded?

It makes no difference if I put in a fixed name like this:

sfilename = "/home/richard/temp.html"

Same result > it eventually bugs out. and complains


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