Benoît Minisini ha scritto:
>> This routine is called by my program, consecutively a large number of times
>> during an automated process:
>> Public Sub Display_HTML(sHTML As String, wb As WebView, Optional prefix As
>> String = "html")
>>   Dim wFile As File
>>   Dim sFilename As String
>>   sFilename = Temp$(prefix) & ".html"
>>   wfile = Open sFilename For Write Create
>>   Print #wfile, sHTML
>>   Close #wfile
>>   wb.url = sFilename
>> End
>> the temp file is opened-closed.
>> Yet at a certain point gambas comes up with an error 24: too many opened
>> files. Does this mean the temp-file quota has somehow been exceeded?
>> It makes no difference if I put in a fixed name like this:
>> sfilename = "/home/richard/temp.html"
>> Same result > it eventually bugs out. and complains
>> Regards
>> Richard
> Apparently you close the file you wrote, so maybe the problem comes from 
> elsewhere.
> You can check which files you are really open by using "strace". Enter the 
> directory of your project, and type "strace gbx2" (or "strace gbx3" if you 
> use 
> Gambas 3). All system calls will be printed, and you can analyze the output 
> to 
> see when the open() and close() system calls are used.
> You can check too your project, by printing a debugging message when you open 
> a file and when you close it, to see if you didn't forget to do that. Note 
> that a file is automatically closed when the File object is released.
> I can't say more at the moment without more information. I'm not sure it is a 
> Gambas bug.
You can also go with lsof(1) - perhaps it is simpler: when your program 
complains, do a ps ax, and note the PID of the program, then do a lsof 
-p PID to see all the open files of your program.


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