> good evening all,
> i have another question about my eternal punishment: the result object :-)
> caveat answered to a former question about results in general:
>  >If you got into the habit of reading all the
>  >records you've selected into memory (or even if the Result object
>  >worked
>  >that way behind the scenes...), you'd soon find everything breaking >with
>  >Out Of Memory errors as soon as you start doing anything serious.
> my question now is, how the result works behind the scenes, is there a
> counter (result.index?) that tells a layer (the driver?) which record is
> to be given back?
> regards,
> tobi

A result object stores the entire query of the result in memory, because of 
the stupidity of most SQL backends.

The gb.db.form implements a system that only keep a small part of the query 
result, by using the ">" operator on the table key, "Order By", and the 
Limit() method. That way, you can use a DataBrowser to browse a table that is 
located on a far server easily.


Benoît Minisini

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