> On Thu, 2010-11-25 at 20:06 +0100, tobias wrote:
> > > A result object stores the entire query of the result in memory,
> > 
> > because of
> > 
> > > the stupidity of most SQL backends.
> Hmmm, I'd take that statement with a grain of salt.  When working on
> databases at work, I think we'd have soon run into major problems if
> this were true.  Perhaps the difference is that the databases I'd use at
> work would be DB2, Oracle etc. running either on the mainframe (yes,
> they still exist!) or big servers.  We wouldn't have used any 'toy'
> databases like access, sqlite etc.  But you gotta love sqlite for its
> simplicity, access for it's user-friendliness... lol
> And, sadly enough, we never used Gambas for any project at work :-(
> Regards,
> Caveat

The problem is not actually in the servers, but in the client libraries. They 
are usually not as clever as they should be.


Benoît Minisini

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