> On Wednesday 24 November 2010 22:32:26 Benoît Minisini wrote:
> > > On Wednesday 24 November 2010 22:08:34 Benoît Minisini wrote:
> > > 
> > > Hi Benoit I use isDate() quite a lot, isNumber I think once
> > > 
> > > Regards
> > > richard
> > 
> > In which context exactly?
> When I've got textboxes and user has entered what is meant to be a date,
> for example on the lost_focus event

I mean which code. IsDate() only tells you if a variant is a Date. If you want 
to check that a string is a date, you have to do that:

dDate = Val(sTextBoxString)
If IsNull(dDate) Then 
  Print "Enter a date!"

Benoît Minisini

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