----- Original Message -----

>Nice, that actually works.>
>What's odd is that after some period of time it still halts with the 
>error "gb.sdl error: Couldn't open 
>/usr/local/share/gambas3/gb.sdl/DejaVuSans.ttf in Render 834". I checked 
>the value of Draw.Font after the crash and it reports the Name property 
>as being "DejaVuSans.ttf", even though I've only been setting it to 
>"Avatar.ttf". I changed the line to this:
>If Draw.Font.Name <> "Avatar.ttf" Then Draw.Font = 
>and it still crashes. Somehow Draw.Font.Name is being reset to 
>"DejaVuSans.ttf". I searched the entire project for "Draw.Font" and 
>nothing else is modifying it. Sounds like a bug. I'm using revision 4229.


Hmm.  I've found that I encounter the same "DejaVuSans.ttf" error even when 
trying to simply run the included StarField example.   I even looked through 
the code and didn't find one reference to 'font' anywhere in the project.   I 
am just starting out on learning gambas so I wrote it off at first, but after 
reading the discussion here I thought I would at least mention my findings.    
Hope that it is helpful in some way to track down what is happening.

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